A Note From The Board

As we reflect on this past week, we are filled with gratitude for all of you who returned to Heritage Place for activities, made a financial donation, or have volunteered your time for the weeks ahead. We cannot do this without you and YOU are what make Heritage Place such a special organization!

We have volunteers secured for Monday and Wednesday and have a lead volunteer for Friday. We need 1 more volunteer to help on Fridays from 9:30-12:30. Please let Liz Donaldson know if you are available for Friday. At this time, we are asking for a commitment through March but if you are able to extend past that, it would be appreciated and welcomed.

The Heritage Place Board of Directors thank all of those who contributed as part of our February call for donations following the Town Hall Meeting! The substantial participation allowed Heritage Place to pay off its outstanding payroll tax liabilities as well as pay its monthly operating costs for the month. The donations, along with an awarded grant, have provided Heritage Place with sufficient funds to meet its upcoming operating expenses for both March and April. The swift action by this membership is a testament to the passion for this organization and belief in its mission!

Moving forward, Heritage Place still faces a shortfall for its outstanding credit card liability. The Board is currently pursuing opportunities for additional funding, including support from Senior Planet and the Central Indiana Community Foundation. However, donations from members and supporters are still encourage and go a long way towards providing the organization with financial stability. We thank you for your ongoing support as we help keep Heritage Place going for years to come!

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