Older Adult Services

Creating Opportunities for Independence

Calendar of Events

Attend a variety of educational classes, physical fitness classes, health screenings, learning opportunities, and social activities for our members and their guests.

Get the latest from our monthly newsletter, the Informer!


Heritage Place promotes healthy lifestyles, independence, well-being and quality of life for older adults. While our programs and services are partly supported through membership, we rely on donations to keep our programs and services affordable.


Annual membership to Heritage Place of Indianapolis is $65 + convenience
fee. Your membership includes access to all social activities, fitness, education, and health classes and seminars at the Heritage Place member rate or free.

Contact Us

Looking to connect with Heritage Place of Indy? Whether you have questions about our programs, want to get involved, or need assistance, we’re here to help! Fill out our contact form and we look forward to hearing from you!

The Latest

Kroger Community Rewards

Do you shop at Kroger and have a Kroger Plus card? Did you know that Heritage Place can earn a reward based on your purchases? Kroger Community Rewards makes fundraising…

A Note From The Board

As we reflect on this past week, we are filled with gratitude for all of you who returned to Heritage Place for activities, made a financial donation, or have volunteered…